Two Situations in Which You Should Take Your Child to a Kids’ Martial Arts Class

31 August 2022
 Categories: Recreation & Sports, Blog

Here are a couple of situations in which you should take your child to a kids' martial arts class.

They need to exercise more but find most of the common types of exercise boring

Many children nowadays are very sedentary and this can have a long-lasting effect on their health and weight. If your child needs to exercise more but has complained that the most common types of exercise that you've suggested they do (such as cycling, swimming or walking) are too boring, then taking them to a kids' martial arts class could be just the ticket. The reason for this is that the martial arts classes that are available for children provide them with an excellent workout; however, the exercise they do in these classes comes in the 'disguise' of martial arts moves and so is less likely to bore them or make them feel like they're completing a chore.

For example, the hand strike or kick drills they'll do with their teacher or fellow students will give them a good cardiovascular workout, as well as help to strengthen their arm and leg muscles, but won't necessarily be perceived by them as too difficult or dull. This is because for most kids, practising flying kicks or backhand strikes is so much fun, and feels so exhilarating when they get it right, that they don't view it as exercise but just as a fun activity. The happiness children derive from martial arts is further enhanced by the social aspect of it, as they get to engage in sparring sessions with the other kids and experience the challenges and fun that come with this. As such, even if your child is reluctant to do other types of exercise, there is every chance that after going to a few kids' martial arts classes, they'll develop a love for this activity that will help them to stay physically active and well.

They lack confidence and you want to help them with this

If your child is lacking in confidence and you've been trying to come up with ways to help them build their confidence, then encouraging them to go to kids' martial arts classes could be worthwhile. Whilst any activity that requires a child to develop skills of some kind can boost their confidence, martial arts classes are particularly useful for this issue. The reason for this is that these classes can build a child's confidence in many different ways.

For example, if they find socialising difficult, these classes will put them in a situation where they have no other option but to engage with their fellow classmates, as they'll be expected to practise sparring and drills with the other children. Over time, these frequent, friendly and fun interactions with other kids their age should help them to learn that this is not something that they need to be afraid of. Additionally, the experience of building their physical strength, and proving to themselves that they can learn very challenging and impressive martial arts moves is also bound to make them feel better about themselves and enhance their self-esteem.  

For more information about kids' martial arts classes, contact a local organization. 
